How To Write An Efficient Amazon Suspension Appeal Letter To Get Your Account Back

Amazon has pretty strict rules that sellers have to follow, neglecting those results in seller suspensions. If you’re also one of those sellers who have been suspended, don’t worry! You must solve this problem in a strictly professional way.

At first, try to figure out why your Amazon seller account has been suspended. Then it’s time to write an appeal letter. Writing this letter in a very professional way is very important as it going to be your only way of communicating with Amazon.

Structure Of The Appeal Letter!

You can follow this format when writing your Amazon Suspension Appeal letter.

·       Explain What Went Wrong

According to appeal guru reviews, Start writing the letter by stating what happened and when you came to know about your account suspension. This will directly focus on the content like what you are asking for?

·       Explain What Steps You Have Taken To Fix The Problems

Now it’s time to highlight what steps you have taken to rectify the issue due to which your account has been suspended. It is very important to highlight the action you have taken to resolve the issue as it will showcase your business upbeat.

·       Highlight What You Have Already Done To Avoid Such A Problem In The Future

It’s important to show your keenness to strictly follow rules next time around and ensure that such a thing will never happen again. This step will help you to figure out what you have done and what you can do further.

After sending your Amazon suspension appeal letter, wait for approval from Amazon. It usually takes at least 45 days and can go way beyond that also. If your appeal gets successfully approved, you can continue selling your product on Amazon.

Few Tips To Write An Amazon Suspension Appeal Letter:

  1. Be accountable for your actions and don’t blame Amazon.
  2. Don’t respond emotionally without giving a thought.
  3. No one at Amazon has time to go through lengthy appeals. So be clear and concise.


Account suspension is one of the worst things that you might encounter as a seller on Amazon. Just follow the guidelines mentioned above and write a suspension appeal letter to Amazon and you are good to go!  Don’t get afraid, follow the format and step ahead!

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